2023 Homecoming Week September 25-30
Dr. Westfall (Abingdon) has kicked off Westfall Orthodontics second annual Teacher Wishlist Giveaway, 5 teachers will be awarded $300 in gift cards to stock their classroom full of wish list supplies. Each student/parent that nominates the winning teacher will be awarded a Pizza Party for their entire classroom compliments of Dr. Westfall. Nominations accepted Sept. 1st through Nov. 15th on our website https://westfallorthodontics.com/teacher-wishlist-giveaway/
REMINDER: Tomorrow (Thursday) is an early dismissal day for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Students will dismiss 2 hours early.
Check out this opportunity for Washington County Students.
REMINDER: Tomorrow (Thursday) is an early dismissal day for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Schools will dismiss 2 hours early.
Be sure to take the time to check out this Month's The Washington Way Newsletter! Highlights include budget information, updates about the new Parentguidance.org program, and upcoming events in the month of October. For the full newsletter, click here: https://5il.co/253nt
WCPS is proud to present our Virtual Mental Heath Night! Be sure to register and join us to find out more about supporting your child's mental health. Sept. 19, 7-8 pm. Find out more here: https://cookcenter.info/WCPSSept19 @WashoCoSuper
WCPS is proud to present our Virtual Mental Heath Night! Be sure to register and join us to find out more about supporting your child's mental health. Sept. 19, 7-8 pm. Find out more here: https://5il.co/24s0z @WashoCoSuper
This is just a reminder that today is an early dismissal day. Schools will dismiss 3 hours early today for School Days at the Fair!
Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia and the Town of Damascus are proud to announce the grand opening of Josie's Nature Playground on Sept. 22 at 5:30 pm
For more details see https://5il.co/24w2w
WCPS is proud to partner with parentguidance.org to help support the mental health needs of our students and families. We invite you to join us for the first of two Virtual Mental Health Family Nights tonight. More information here: https://5il.co/24s0z
Thanks to the School Based Health Workforce Grant our division has been able to purchase 25 AED's (Automatic External Defibrillators) to have in our schools.
For more information see: https://www.wcs.k12.va.us/article/1238855
VHCC College Night on Tuesday, September 12 from 6:00-7:30 pm at the SWVA Higher Ed Center.
Keith Perrigan dove into the K-12 funding formulas with #VRLI and shared the need for adequate funding support for small and rural school divisions. Great examples shared of key partnerships and pioneering workforce development initiatives!
School days at the fair begins this week! Check out the activities for our students and be sure to take part!
This is just a reminder that schools will be closed on Monday in honor of Labor Day.
Mark your calendars. This is a free event for the community. Come on out and show your support.
We would like to thank the entire Washington County community and supporting business for school supply donations. Please click https://www.wcs.k12.va.us/article/1225181 for more details!
We would like to thank the entire Washington County community and supporting business for school supply donations. Please click here for more details!
The AHS Mighty Falcon Marching Band will be opening the Rob-Con comic convention this Saturday, September 2nd at the SWVA Higher Ed Center in Abingdon. Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/100057326325623/posts/pfbid02YFSfHY3EtY4ZWeTxLLtHvGmLopQYgsRKGhi5TonpQazarv2XmoD9qgaozPZZgFZql/?mibextid=cr9u03